November 2015
I have finished re-editing my mysteries and they are out for sale now at Amazon and Createspace. I have released my newest mystery Treacherous Memories, so go find it on Amazon or at Createspace or Kindle Unlimited and enjoy reading. Remember reviews are the lifeblood of Independent Authors.
June 2015
I am currently editing the first book in my new series, the Circle of Islands and I am in the process of releasing my new mystery Treacherous Memories..
Day of the Keepers (Book 1, The Circle of Islands Series)
Dylan has been happy in Port Tomei since the day he washed up on the beach with no idea who he was. He'd made a life for himself here and is even thinking about marriage if she will have him. But fate has something else in store for him. When the Duke of Brion's men attack the small village for the fourth time that year, Dylan finds himself speaking a spell of death and saving the people he has grown to love. He has no idea how he knew the spell or that he had the power to wield it. But in wielding it, he has sealed his fate. He must leave Port Tomei and go in search of his identity and how to restore and control the power that restlessly stirs within in. All he remembers of his past is tied up in the dreams he has each night of a golden dragon with green eyes laughing at him as he falls.
Look forward to seeing this new series begin - coming in 2016.
My books can be found at or directly from